As of 10/28/2024

Confirmed Information on ( 151 ) Classmates - ( 56.3%)
Unverified Information on ( 1 ) Classmates - ( 3.7%)
Outdated Information for ( 64 ) Classmates - ( 23%)
Mail Undeliverable for ( 4 ) Classmates - ( 1.4%)
No information for ( 22 ) Classmates - ( 0.0%)

( 158 ) Classmates with Email Address - ( 58.9%)
( 62 ) Classmates Deceased - ( 23.1%)

Note:  (263) Classmates were in the Graduation ceremony in 1968
          (269) Classmates received diplomas for the Class of 1968

          We also include others that were with us for some of the
          HS years but moved, changed schools, or left before Graduation.
          NOTE:  Our actual tracking is for ( 304 ) classmates including some
                     that moved, transferred, or did not finish with us. 
                     Our actual graduating class was 265. This will cause
                     some percentage totals to be greater than 100%.